On 5 March 2020, the Utilities Commission (UC) released their final decision on Power and Water’s proposed Generator Performance Standards (GPS) . Power and Water would like to thank all parties who were involved in the consultation process on the proposed standards.
Attached below is the final approved version of the codes.
Power and Water have amended the Secure System Guidelines to reflect the final decision along with changes identified throughout the GPS consultation process. The Overview of changes to Secure System Guidelines Version 4.2 provides a summary of the revisions made to the guidelines.
Attached below is the final approved version of the Secure System Guidelines and an overview of the changes made:
The second round of the Generator Performance Standards (GPS) consultation has now been finalised and submitted to the Utilities Commission (UC). Power and Water would like to thank all parties who attended the workshops and provided a submission on the proposed standards.
Power and Water believe the solutions proposed in this application and code changes are appropriately tailored to the specific conditions that are found in the NT and will enable the ongoing secure operation of the NT power systems.
Attached below is the response to the UC along with a response to stakeholder’s submissions
Clean copies of the Network Technical Code and System Control Technical Code will be provided in due course.
Interested Parties can provide feedback/questions to the Market Operator by email to market.operator@powerwater.com.au
This second round of the Generator Performance Standards (GPS) consultation has now closed. Power and Water would like to thank all parties who attended the workshop and to those who have provided a submission on the proposed standards.
Power and Water received eleven submissions in total with three marked as confidential, please find below all the public submissions we received:
Power and Water Corporation’s responses to these submissions will be published in due course.
We have received a complaint from Territory Generation regarding documentation associated with our GPS consultation missing from our NTESMO Closed consultations page. This embarrassing for us reputationally as it looks like we are trying to hide history (which was the implied accusation).
Power and Water held its second workshop on the NT Generator Performance Standards (GPS) on Wednesday 26 June at the Darwin Innovation Hub.
This workshop provided participants with Power and Water’s updated position on the GPS and sought to gain further feedback to continue the development of the standards. Attached below is the presentation from the workshop and the questions taken on notice during the workshop along with Power and Water’s responses.
Interested Parties can provide feedback to the Market Operator by email to market.operator@powerwater.com.au by COB Friday 19 July 2019. Alternatively if participants prefer, submissions can be made directly to the Utilities Commission at utilities.commission@nt.gov.au.
For further information on the consultation process, please refer to the Consultation Overview Paper and additional materials which can be found below under the Round 2 Consultation tab.
Power and Water is commencing our second round of Generator Performance Standards (GPS) consultation with the release of the following documents:
In addition to the documents attached, Power and Water is holding a second workshop scheduled for Wednesday 26 June. This workshop will begin with a high level summary of what the GPS are, the overarching regulatory and policy framework and a recap of the NT system context. This will ensure all participants have a common foundation of knowledge.
Our intention for this second round is to walk you (our key stakeholders) through the amended proposal and highlight key issues arising from our initial consultation, by:
We seek open, honest and genuine feedback when conducting engagement with industry bodies and system participants and look forward to continuing our engagement journey with you. Interested parties can provide feedback to the Market Operator by emailing market.operator@powerwater.com.au by COB Friday, 19 July 2019.
Alternatively if participants prefer, submissions can be made directly to the Utilities Commission at utilities.commission@nt.gov.au. For further information on the consultation process please refer to the Consultation Overview Paper.
Power and Water invite all interested parties to attend our second workshop on the NT generator performance standards (GPS).
We thank everyone involved in our initial consultation and for the valuable feedback on our initial consultation paper. The feedback received to date and further analysis has moved our thinking. This further round of consultation seeks to provide a standalone record of what we are now proposing for the GPS and why. Before the workshop we will publish a consultation paper and proposed code amendments.
Date/time: Wednesday 26 June, 10am-4pm
Location: Darwin Innovation Hub (Level 1/48-50 Smith St, Darwin)
RSVP: market.operator@powerwater.com.au, by Monday 24 June 2019
The workshop will walk stakeholders through the current context of this review, key issues arising from stakeholder feedback and our amended proposals for the GPS. We will present for discussion case studies and technical examples that illustrate the key concepts that underpin the GPS requirements and which address our stakeholders’ feedback.
This consultation has now closed. Submissions for publication (including questions for the information session) were received from the following participants:
Power and Water Corporation’s responses to all submissions received will be published in due course.
Attached is a supplementary paper PDF, 391.26 KB to the Generator Performance Standards consultation process currently underway. The paper provides further clarity on the proposed C-FCAS capability obligation and how this service will be operated and paid for within the existing arrangements and the proposed new Northern Territory Electricity Market framework.
This will be the last supplementary paper to be released as part of this consultation. The consultation closing date is 4pm Friday 29 March 2019.
Attached is a supplementary paper PDF, 1520.59 KB to the Generator Performance Standards consultation process currently underway. The content of this paper is based on the valuable feedback received so far from stakeholders via the information session held on 18 February 2019 and correspondence received to date. The paper includes:
further clarity on the objectives of the proposed Generator Performance Standard amendments;
new capacity forecasting requirements; and
further background regarding the proposed removal of the semi-scheduled generator classification.
A further paper on contingency frequency control ancillary services will be released as soon as possible.
As previously noted, to allow stakeholders sufficient time to factor in the additional information into their submissions, the consultation closing date has been extended until 4pm Friday 29 March 2019.
The Power and Water Corporation (PWC) and the Department of Treasury and Finance (DTF) recognise it is critical for stakeholders and potential proponents to fully understand the links and interactions between the Generator Performance Standards review (conducted by PWC) and the draft NTEM Functional Specification review (conducted by DTF).
On Tuesday 12 March 2019 two additional papers will be released providing further clarity on forecasting and contingency frequency ancillary service requirements. Noting that stakeholders need time to review these documents and have sufficient time to factor in the additional information into their submissions and for all those who have already made a submission be able to reflect on this and amend or add to their submission, as appropriate. The date for submissions has been extended on both reviews until 4pm Friday 29 March 2019.
An Information session was held on the 18th February 2019.
Please click this link PPTX, 4677.99 KB for a copy of the presentation.
To allow interested parties time to absorb the additional information and incorporate any further comments in their submission, the consultation period has been extended to COB Friday 8 March 2019.
To find out more about the proposed reforms and the consultation process, click here.
Power and Water are consulting on changes to the rules governing the connection of new generators in the Northern Territory. The proposed amendments seek to accommodate the increasing penetration of renewable generators while maintaining power system security and reliability to implement action 4(c) of the Northern Territory Government’s Renewable Energy and Electricity Market Reform Implementation Plan 2018-20, with further reviews of the Codes expected throughout 2019.
The Network Technical Code (NTC) lists the requirements that all network users are required to comply with regarding connections to and the use of the electricity network. The System Control Technical Code (SCTC) specifies the performance standards of power systems and operational requirements that apply to system participants’ plant and equipment connected to a power system. The Secure System Guidelines detail the principles for determining whether a Power System operated under Licence from the NT Utilities Commission is in a secure operating state.
Interested parties can provide feedback to the Market Operator by emailing market.operator@powerwater.com.au by COB 25 February 2019. Alternatively if participants prefer, submissions can be made directly to the Utilities Commission at utilities.commission@nt.gov.au. For further information on the consultation process please refer to the Consultation Overview Paper.
1. Generator Performance Standards Consultation Overview Paper PDF, 359.58 KB
2. System Control Technical Code V6 (proposed draft) PDF, 995.58 KB
3. System Control Technical Code V5 (marked up identifying amendments)
4. Network Technical Code and Network Planning Criteria V4 (proposed draft) PDF, 1602.78 KB
6. Secure System Guidelines Version 4.1 (proposed draft) PDF, 475.94 KB
7. Secure System Guidelines Version 4.1 (marked up identifying amendments) PDF, 483.73 KB