System constraints

System constraints are the result of system parameters.

System constraints are designed for the secure operation of the power system within the technical envelope.

System Control issues risk notification to meet its obligation to notify participants of changes to the risk.

The table below summarises current long-standing system constraints, which effect system participants in the Darwin-Katherine, Tennant Creek and Alice Springs generation, transmission, and distribution networks.

Risk notification of duration of less than one month and for an outage of a single generation/network asset are not published on this page and are managed in line with the Plant Outage Procedure.

The following terminology has been used:

  • OTR: Outage/Testing Request
  • LTRN: Long Term Risk Notice
  • SC: System Constraint
  • NRN: Non-Reliable Notice

For more information on the information presented below please contact

RegionID Commencement Date and Time Anticipated End Date and TimeConstraint Constraint Description
Alice Springs OTR 1910997
(LTRN AS)        
13/10/2019 19:00 Until further notice Generation Restriction Alice Springs Power System Operation Change (Spinning Reserve, number of machines required at Alice Springs, BESS and Load Bank dispatch during low load conditions and Contingency Plans has been updated as required)
Alice Springs OTR 2109071
(LTRN AS)        
29/09/2021 0:00 Until further notice Generation Restriction Ron Goodin BESS is allowed to operate on up to three containers online at a time, with a restriction limit of 255kVA per inverter (resulting in maximum output of 510 kVA per container and total maximum BESS output of 1.5 MVA).
Alice SpringsOTR 2205005
06/05/2022Until further noticeGeneration RestrictionBlack Start capability at Ron Goodin Power Station is limited due to multiple Forced Outages. Loads can be restored via RGPS however energising of the Sadadeen  Transformers is unlikely.
Alice Springs N/A N/A Until further notice Generation and Network Restriction OSPS generation output is constrained to a dynamic minimum figure (load dependent), which is real time calculated and displayed in Areva EMS. This is to prevent overloading of Lovegrove Sadadeen Ties 1 or 2 in the event of a contingency.
Darwin-Katherine N/A 14/02/2022 No end date Generation Restriction Power and Water anticipates increased demand for (overlapping) requests of on-grid testing of new connections. Refer to interim advice for guidance on the intended mechanism for equitable access for all participants seeking such test windows.
Darwin-Katherine N/A N/A Until further notice Generation Restriction To ensure power system security, stability and reliability is maintained for all users of the power system, System Control has determined that access to testing (inclusive of compliance and commissioning testing) for sites connected to the 132kV Channel Island - Katherine line, will be on the basis of one (1) site/unit at a time with preference given to operational units in line with the Plant Outage Procedure.
Darwin-Katherine OTR 2003064
25/03/2020 6:00 Until further notice Generation Restriction Changes to Minimum Spinning Reserve in Darwin-Katherine Power System.
High levels of Behind The Meter (BTM) solar generation volatility is resulting in frequent Spinning Reserve breaches in Darwin-Katherine Power System.
Darwin-Katherine OTR 2005997 (LTRN DKIS) 22/05/2020 6:30 Until further notice Generation Restriction Due to low loads forecasted and encountered during the Dry Season period, additional instructions is provided to controllers to assist in meeting dispatch and system security requirements during low loads in range of 55MW – 135 MW.
Darwin-Katherine OTR 2010080 (LTRN DKIS) 16/11/2020 10:30 Until further notice Generation Restriction The Spray Intercooling (SPRINT) function of generating units at Weddell Power Station (WPS) has been restricted for system security reasons . One SPRINT is to be kept in reserve at all times. This is to only be utilised in the event of:
-  machine failure to start
-  unexpected step increase in load
-  unexpected step decrease in generation.
This SPRINT is to be taken offline once appropriate action has been taken to address the relevant shortfall.
Darwin-Katherine OTR 2102021 (LTRN DKIS) 10/02/2021 00:00 Until further notice Generation Restriction Imposed operating restrictions on all Katherine Power Station generating units such that minimum run time is 3 hours, and minimum downtime is 6 hours (between stopping and starting).
Darwin-KatherineOTR 2308001 (LTRN DKIS)01/08/2023  00:00Until further noticeGeneration RestrictionTo reduce the impact on DKPS in the event of 132kV CI-MT line loss, a generation export limit (into CIPS) has been applied.
To limit the size of the contingency (of losing 132kV CI-MT line), generation export from South to North (at the CIPS end) is limited to the size of the largest available generating unit, approximately 40MW.
Darwin-Katherine SC D2016/171256 11/07/2015 8:00 Until further notice Generation and Network Restriction Weddell generation output is constrained to a dynamic maximum figure that is dependent on load and calculated in real time. This is to prevent post contingent overloading of network transmission lines. 
Darwin-KatherineOTR 2309044
18/09/2023 0:00Until further noticeGeneration RestrictionGuidance has been issued to the controllers to assist in managing the 132kV CIPS node output if the only two available Frame 6 units are connected to the same node.
Darwin-KatherineOTR  2311032
10/11/2023 0:00Until further noticeGeneration RestrictionGuidance has been issued to the controllers to assist in managing the system if a single Frame 6 unit is available for dispatch.
Tennant Creek OTR 1902028 13/12/2019 17:00 Until further notice Generation Restriction Constraints for generation dispatch have been developed based on review of historical events to improve the reliability of the power system against network contingencies.

Last updated 01 Jul 2024 10:54am