Network losses represent the energy loss incurred in the transportation of electricity from an entry or transfer point to an exit point or another transfer point on an electricity network.
Power and Water Corporation are required to calculate energy loss factors used on electricity networks in the Northern Territory.
In accordance with section A6.3 of the System Control Technical Code, the network operator must provide NTESMO annually with the energy loss factors for all connection points, other than generator connection points. If the network operator fails to provide NTESMO with the loss factors then NTESMO must continue to use the equivalent loss factors from the previous year.
NTESMO must publish the loss factors.
MSATS | Region | Sub | Description | Voltage | Loss factor | Start Date | End Date |
WNH1 | DKIS | DARW | Darwin High Voltage | HV | 3.37 | 1/01/2015 | 21/12/9999 |
WNL1 | DKIS | DARW | Darwin Low Voltage | LV | 4.62 | 1/01/2015 | 21/12/9999 |
WNWC | DKIS | DARW | Darwin Whole Current Low Voltage | LV | 4.68 | 1/01/2015 | 21/12/9999 |
WKH1 | DKIS | KATH | Katherine High Voltage | HV | 4.04 | 1/01/2015 | 21/12/9999 |
WKL1 | DKIS | KATH | Katherine Low Voltage | LV | 5.30 | 1/01/2015 | 21/12/9999 |
WKWC | DKIS | KATH | Katherine Whole Current Low Voltage | LV | 4.68 | 1/01/2015 | 21/12/9999 |
WSH1 | ALIC | ALIC | Alice Springs High Voltage | HV | 1.03 | 1/01/2015 | 21/12/9999 |
WSL1 | ALIC | ALIC | Alice Springs Low Voltage | LV | 2.23 | 1/01/2015 | 21/12/9999 |
WSWC | ALIC | ALIC | Alice Springs Whole Current Low Voltage | LV | 2.23 | 1/01/2015 | 21/12/9999 |
WBH1 | TENC | TENC | Tennant Creek High Voltage | HV | 1.03 | 1/01/2015 | 21/12/9999 |
WBL1 | TENC | TENC | Tennant Creek Low Voltage | LV | 2.23 | 1/01/2015 | 21/12/9999 |
WBWC | TENC | TENC | Tennant Creek Whole Current Low Voltage | LV | 2.23 | 1/01/2015 | 21/12/9999 |
WYH1 | YULA | YULA | Yulara High Voltage | HV | 1.03 | 1/01/2015 | 21/12/9999 |
WYL1 | YULA | YULA | Yulara Low Voltage | LV | 2.23 | 1/01/2015 | 21/12/9999 |
WYWC | YULA | YULA | Yulara Whole Current Low Voltage | LV | 2.23 | 1/01/2015 | 21/12/9999 |
WKC1 | KING | KING | Kings Canyon High Voltage | HV | 1.03 | 1/01/2015 | 21/12/9999 |
WKC2 | KING | KING | Kings Canyon Low Voltage | LV | 2.23 | 1/01/2015 | 21/12/9999 |
WKC3 | KING | KING | Kings Canyon Whole Current Low Voltage | LV | 2.23 | 1/01/2015 | 21/12/9999 |
KCFE | KING | KING | Kings Canyon Feed Low Voltage | LV | 0 | 1/01/2015 | 21/12/9999 |