
The following procedures and guidelines are published by NTESMO.

You can email any enquiries to the Market Operator.

Secure System Guidelines Version 4.2
Sets out the principles for determining whether a Power System operated under Licence from the NT Utilities Commission is in a Secure Operating State.
Open "Secure System Guidelines Version 4.2" PDF File 654.2 KB
Meter data substitution and estimation procedure
This document applies to any meter data made available to the Market Operator where Metering Services has advised that a RecorderID has partial data.
Open "Meter data substitution and estimation procedure" PDF File 239.2 KB
IES Deemed Load Profile Proposal
Identifies the Market Operator’s intention to use a deemed load profile as one element determining Jacana Energy’s non-interval meter consumption and to establish the total IES load at the Transaction Reference Point (TRP).
Open "IES Deemed Load Profile Proposal" PDF File 164.3 KB