Notice of Stage 2 of the Regulated Electricity System Investment Plan

Date of notice:  19 April 2024

The Regulated Electricity System Investment Plan (RESIP), previously known as the Northern Territory Integrated System Plan (ISP), has completed the Stage 1, Delivery Methodology Development, and has procured the services of a leading consultant for delivery of Stage 2 and Stage 3 RESIP. The RESIP Delivery Methodology was approved by the Electricity Market Reform Implementation Task Force (EMRIT) as the mandated approach for delivering the RESIP as follows:

Stage 2 represents the finalisation of inputs, assumptions, and scenario report (IASR) as well as the forecast demand, techno-economic and technical system modelling of the RESIP. The NT RESIP Project Team has been in contact with relevant data owners and requested data, as identified in Stage 1,  which must now be provided to finalise the IASR during May 2024.

This notice advises and solicits any other interested party, that was not engaged during Stage 1 to present their data and/or candidate investments to be considered within the RESIP development.

The RESIP delivery contract was awarded late February 2024 to Amplitude Consulting and Go2 Power (RESIP Consultant). The RESIP Consultant is responsible for developing the summary input data in the form of an IASR, and development of the optimal development pathway that will represent the whole-of-system plan presented as part of the RESIP report.

Invitation to make a submission

NTESMO invites stakeholders, not already engaged in the RESIP development, to contact the RESIP project team about inclusion within the RESIP stakeholder group. NTESMO is specifically interested in submissions from stakeholders regarding candidate supply-side (such as large storage or demand side management) and generator projects. Noting that projects will be further assessed against the Committed Project Methodology and how they will be incorporated into the modelling.

The RESIP Delivery Methodology, Consultation Paper and the Committed Project Methodology from Stage 1 will be provided to stakeholders with candidate projects and data they consider relevant to the RESIP that they wish to submit.

The RESIP project team will follow up any requests from new stakeholders. If candidate project information is deemed to be sensitive, the RESIP consultant will establish non-disclosure contracts for the data management and preservation of confidentiality.  Please note that any candidate projects considered to be part of the RESIP will require public disclosure through the final RESIP report, however, any sensitive data, information and methodology will be appropriately redacted to de-identify the specific candidate detail.

Closing date and time

Submissions in response to this Notice should be sent by email to by 5.00pm (ASCT) on Friday 3 May 2024. Consultation period has now closed.

Any questions about this consultation or the RESIP project can also be sent to

Submissions received after the closing date and time will not be valid and NTESMO is not obliged to consider them.


All non-sensitive data from stakeholders used for RESIP modelling will be collated in the IASR and published as part of the RESIP report. The RESIP report will be published by the Northern Territory Government early in 2025. Sensitive commercial and technical data pertaining to candidate investments will be appropriately de-identified and redacted to prevent disclosure.  It will be the responsibility of the candidate project owner to identify with the RESIP consultant data that needs to be de-identified and redacted.