Notice of final report- Communications Guideline minor amendment

As the Consultation process was not completed by 31 August 2024 it has been deemed that the Communications Guideline came into effect on 1 September 2024. The consultation process has therefore been determined to be void and there are no results to publish from this consultation process.

Under Library section of this website there is v1.2 of the Communications Guideline and associated procedures which came into effect on 1 September 2024.  Please refer to the Library of documents on this website for the current version of all documents.  If you have any questions please contact us at

First stage consultation documents

This Notice of First Stage of Rules Consultation (Notice) informs all relevant parties including;

The Consultation is being conducted under clause S7A.1.3 of the Northern Territory National Electricity Rules (NT NER), in accordance with the minor rules consultation requirements in NT NER clause 8.9.4.

Matters under consultation

The changes (Changes) which are proposed (Proposal) are to:

Table 1 Summary of proposal

NTESMO Communications Guideline Change of effective date only
NTESMO B2B Procedure Customer Site Details Notification Process Change of effective date only
NTESMO B2B Procedure Service Order Process Change of effective date only
NTESMO B2B Procedure Meter Data Process Change of effective date only
NTESMO B2B Procedure One Way Notification Process Change of effective date only
NTESMO B2B Procedure Technical Delivery Specification Change of effective date only
NTESMO B2B Guide Change of effective date only
NTESMO Meter Data File Format NEM12 and NEM13 Change of effective date only
NTESMO MSATS CATS Procedures Change of effective date only
NTESMO Standing Data for MSATS Change of effective date only

The consultation process

NTESMO invited written submissions for the matters under consultation, including any alternative or additional proposals which may provide a more efficient information exchange process for the Northern Territory Electricity Market.

NTESMO considers this matter to be a minor rules consultation as the only change to the documents is the effective date of the documents with no changes to the contents of any of the impacted documents.

Submissions in response to this Notice were required to be sent by email by 5:00pm (ACST) on 27 August 2024. to .

A response template has been provided on NTESMO’s website. Please send any queries in respect of the Consultation to the same email address.

NTESMO is not obliged to consider late submissions for this reason. A late submission should explain the reason for lateness and the detriment to you if NTESMO does not consider the submission.

Please identify any confidential parts of your submission which you wish to remain confidential, explaining why. NTESMO may still publish that information, if it does not consider it to be confidential, and contact will be made prior to publishing. Please note that material identified as confidential may be given less weight in the decision-making process than material that is published.

In your submission, you may request a meeting with NTESMO to discuss the matters under consultation, stating why you consider a meeting is necessary or desirable.

If appropriate, meetings may be held jointly with other Consulted Persons. NTESMO will generally make details of matters discussed at a meeting available to other Consulted Persons and may publish them, subject to confidentiality restrictions.